Mesopotamia Art Space

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is a run-by-artists for artists' art space.

We aim to create a house where artists can gather regularly, present their work and share information in a friendly environment.

We also organise a handful of the selected exhibitions every year.

  • We encourage the artists to apply for presentations at MAS, to find out how, email or message us in social media

4 session poetry

book individually

Wednesday mornings, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th August


Mesopotamia Arts Space, 62 Newlands Rd, Coburg North.

Week 1: ‘Dis poetry is like a riddim dat drops’: Musicality and rhythm

Week 2: A Feast for the Senses: Developing Imagery

Week 3: Writing themes: Memory and Place

Week 4: Brevity and the short form

book at writing days

Sunday 18th August


Join us for Between Rivers, a poetry and ceramics workshop facilitated by Lou Smith from ​Writing Days and ceramicist Elnaz Nourizadeh curator of Mesopotamia Arts Space. The name ​Mesopotamia comes from the Greek word meaning ‘between rivers’, and Mesopotamia Arts ​Space is located near the confluence of Merri Creek and Edgars Creek, Coburg North.

Poet Lou Smith will guide participants using writing prompts to write a poem on the theme of ​water which you will then create into a surface decoration on a ceramic piece under the ​supervision of Elnaz Nourizadeh.

book at writing days

Artos Vivian Qiu


wed 28th of August

Past artists’ gatherings

#17 May 2024

Sandra Flores

#16 Apr 2024

Pattie beerens

Past artists’ gatherings

#15 march 2024

Dr Lesley Turnbull

#15 march 2024

Dr lesley turnbull

#15 march 2024

Dr Lesley Turnbull

#14 Feb 2024

Lucy Wilde

#4 June 2022

Lauren V Morehouse

#13 Jan 2024

Curtis Costa

#4 June 2022

Lauren V Morehouse

#12 NOV 2023

Emma Hamilton

Past artists’ gatherings

#4 June 2022

Lauren V Morehouse

#11 OCT 2023

Dr Ciaran Begley

#10 May 2023

Forough Yavari

#4 June 2022

Lauren V Morehouse

#9 April 2023

Jacqline matties

#4 June 2022

Lauren V Morehouse

#8 Feb 2023

rioko Kose

#7 Jan 2023

david Apost0l

#6 DEC 2022

Elnaz Nourizadeh

#4 June 2022

Lauren V Morehouse

#5 OcT 2022

Garry Moore

#4 June 2022

Lauren V Morehouse

#3 April 2022

Sarah Summers

#2 March 2022


#1 Feb 2022

Maquette making & a Documentary watching

Past exhibtions

Group exhibtion

One Night stand #3

An experimental group exhibition

Past exhibtions

Michaela Goldberg

Look Here! Look Here!

Past exhibtions

Emma Hamiltion

Photographic Tunnelling II

Past exhibtions

One Night Stand

A Group Exhibition of experimental work


Past exhibtions

Of leaves and air

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Past exhibitions

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soundworks? (in progress)